Greece Still Suffers For Slow Wi-Fi 

low Wi-Fi

Greece is one of the best destinations for digital nomads. However, the country still struggles because of low Wi-Fi.

After the pandemic, Greece launched several incentives for digital nomads. From great weather to innovative activities, the country is one of the best places to travel and work. 

However, most digital nomads and remote workers complained about slow Wi-Fi. Last November, the government said that it would have improved its digital infrastructure. In fact, Greece ranks 91st out of 178 countries because of low Wi-Fi. According to Speedtest Global Index, countries like Singapore, Chile, and Thailand rank as the best countries for connectivity. On the other hand, Turkmenistan, Cuba, and Afghanistan are the worse countries to work with the Internet. 

A few months ago, Tourism Minister Vassilis Kikilias promised 5G deals with private companies to provide better internet connection packages (Greece 2.0). For example, even Elon Musk joined the project to improve the country’s low Wi-Fi. And SpaceX launched a massive internet constellation last May. 

These initiatives aim to provide internet coverage in the whole country. Yet, despite the effort, large areas still don’t have enough coverage. The government is working to improve connectivity. But with low Wi-Fi, it will be hard to attract long-stay working travelers. So, even if Greece is one of the best countries to live as a digital nomad, it still has several issues with low Wi-Fi. 


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