Since 2018, Roxana Buzețelu has actively collaborated with over 10K community members to discuss and promote innovative solutions to our current environmental situation. In 2020, she founded her Non-governmental Organization (NGO) Micile Bucurii.
Dedicating her life to sustainability, Roxana promotes a different lifestyle. As we live connected on the same planet, how we act individually, and collectively, has an impact on our environment and social dynamic. Her work aims to make people see these connections and the importance of finding a better approach to environmental and social issues to build a better future.
Based in Romania, Roxana collaborates with community members and companies to test solutions to find a more sustainable attitude towards the environment and others. The Russian attack in Ukraine made even more visible how connected with are, from energy resources to economic global dynamics. Local events have a global impact on our style of life, which is why we need to find a more renewable approach to balance global needs and environmental issues.
And sustainability is a strategy to find more respectful and inclusive solutions to improve environmental and social issues.
Here is an interview with Roxana Buzețelu about her NGO, passion for sustainability, and an overview of the situation after the Russian attack:
1 – Can you tell us about your NGO – Micile Bucurii, and what sustainability means for you?
Our story started in 2018 when out of pure curiosity, I started to ask myself questions about recycling and how to live in more harmony with nature. In order to find answers, I have started a Facebook which grew continuously and organically through the years.
In 2020, in the middle of a pandemic, I realised that my curiosity shifted into a passion and the NGO was born from this passion.
For me, sustainability is a way of living – a way in which, given a normal context, we should all live: more harmonious with the nature that surrounds us.
2 – When did your job and your passion for sustainability meet?
I think it was a hide-and-seek kind of game between these two until 2020.
I thought Micile Bucurii was just a side project, a place I created just for fun. But as mentioned above, in time, I realised that my marketing and community skills helped me create a new project, a new career.
3 – What does it mean to teach sustainability to companies and individuals?
For companies, the first step for sustainability is employee engagement. When gathering, we discuss in a fun and interactive manner topics related to climate change and how to live more sustainably.
The speech is a bit different in the online communities that I’m currently curating. There is a huge thirst for peer-to-peer interaction, ways in which people can inspire each other towards achieving a common goal. To mention, the NGO is currently operating in Romania only, and here we barely speak about climate change.
I think the community I have created back in 2018 was among the first ones speaking upfront on this topic, hence it had great success, and we grew organically.
4 – Being so close, what do you think about the recent conflict in Ukraine?
It is heartbreaking. I literally have no words to say when I think of what’s happening there.
I tried to do the most I could to help refugees, but further than that, I’m sad that I cannot control what’s happening.
5 – What can we do to support Ukraine?
First, we must not forget how to be humans and see with the least we have how we can help.
Especially here in Romania, I am in great awe of how local initiatives moved to help – form online platforms for refugees, donations, and humanitarian help of any kind.
6 – How do you think this situation will impact our ‘local and global’ style of life?
Maybe we will see more how fragile we are.
My speech until recently was about “a war that might start due to climate change” and I was trying to inspire people towards a more simple life, a life lived in harmony and care for the environment.
Now, the war is here. We no longer speak about a “what if” but about a threat that is here. For us, Romanians, right across the border – and this threat, combined with the tragedy that is happening in Ukraine should make each individual think twice about their privilege of being alive.
I see a tendency around me of people who want to fly out from Romania asap. In the context of your question, I also hope that we no longer see ourselves as citizens of this or that country, but as citizens of the world. People are people everywhere, nationality is just a way the system (now shaky) identifies us, but at core, we are all humans with similar needs and values.
7 – What message would you send to those underestimating the importance of sustainability to improve social and environmental issues?
We need to be more aware about how we use our resources.
Look now for example how shaky the situation is regarding the gas coming from Russia – it is an economic and ethical issue at this point. Of course, the decision should be to cut the gas, but what do you do with the countries which are dependent on Russia’s gas and have no other way to heat their homes?
Yet again, we can discuss the fragility of the system. We should understand at least now the importance of using regenerable energy, of the idea that in life “less is more” – in case of catastrophe all you need is yourself, close family, a few clothes, and food. The rest doesn’t even matter.
We need to switch perspectives from capitalism and consumerism to more thoughtful reading.
8 – Is there anything you would like to add?
I know the situation is tragic, and it can get even worse and global. I think now we should all do whatever we can to help, but we should not go to extremes. When covid happened, we had to focus on doing our part and keeping the system going – we need to recalculate and recalibrate life. With more focus on wellbeing, on the resources that we use, and being there when help is needed.
For more information about Roxana Buzețelu’s NGO, look here: Micile Bucurii
Linkedlin profile: Roxana Buzețelu