The work-from-home trend was a success last year when offices had to close because of the pandemic. Nowadays, people are pursuing the digital nomad lifestyle and looking for remote work options and co-working spaces to keep their creative juices flowing. However, architectural designer Agnieszka Bialek has a different workspace alternative: Floating work capsules.

The Remote Work’s Transition
During the first months of last year, most people were forced to stay at home to prevent the spread of COVID-19. When the government’s regulations were more flexible, people started moving to other states and countries because they could work remotely. According to USPS data, over 15.9 million people moved during 2020.
Now that offices started re-opening, several companies are implementing remote working policies. However, this doesn’t mean most of these employees will work from home. Some will instead visit co-working spaces or cafés, or even floating offices.
A Different Way of Working Remotely
Agnieszka Bialek is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts of Cracow, Poland. She’s an interior architect, 3D artist, and the Founder of Monolight Studio, a creative architecture and design studio.
Her new project called Enclaves on Vistula river consists of an alternative to remote work during the pandemic. The concept of this floating co-working space is to make remote work more comfortable. Give people an alternative space to have their online meetings and all their other work tasks.
We reach out to Agnieszka for comment and she explained in detail her overall vision and how she came up with the concept of the floating office:
In the project, architectural structures drift near Wawel Castle, the symbol of the city (Cracow). The contemporary formation differs from the centuries-old kings’ habitat, currently one of the finest polish art museums. This project does not interfere with the natural environment. The elements allow arranging in many different ways by changing their location on the river. The creative process was guided by ecological values, especially the limitation of degradation of natural ecosystems, allowing the coexistence of nature and architecture. It pays attention to distance and the presence of empty spaces, which will be the ones desired in the post-Covid reality.

She also explained why this unique space is perfect for those who will eventually get tired of working at home:
The concept makes working remotely possible, becomes a comfortable place for online meetings, or relaxing in the new reality of reduced touch. The design provides protection of personal space and privacy for potential users. In times of social distancing, it creates a unique comfort zone and sense of security. It is easier to focus on performing specific tasks when working in the designed space.
With an hourly booking system, the co-working space is user-friendly for any individual, active during the day or at night. And to maintain the ecological dimension of the project people must use a kayak to reach to the enclaves.
Is the Way People Work Changing Forever?
As the statistics show, people are now moving out to other places looking for a different lifestyle. Maintaining a good work-life balance is a priority for most. After the pandemic proved that remote work works, employees are looking for alternative remote work solutions to help them maintain fewer stress levels while being more productive.
While Agnieszka Bialek’s project is still a conceptual idea, it’s interesting to see how the meaning of work is taking an entirely different definition. The traditional working concept was related to going to an office, nowadays, the office is portable, and you can take it anywhere – including above the water.