“Marion Remote” is a new remote work project that connects people with remote jobs that they can take up while living in Marion County. People can also connect with realtors, local officials and others to ensure a hassle-free move to the county.
“This program represents the best of Marion County, with talented people coming together from all walks of life and professions. From technical development and design to marketing and administration, to architecture and property development, to tourism, parks and outdoor adventure management – the work of Marion Remote will establish Marion County as the premier destination for remote working in the state of West Virginia.”
Jonathan Board, Chairman of the Marion County Chamber of Commerce
The website for the project was launched in a meeting held on 19th May 2021, Wednesday. The meeting had members from the Marion County Chamber of Commerce, City of Fairmont, Marion County Economic & Community Development, Marion County Convention & Visitors Center, High Technology Foundation, Mon Power, Mon Health, Heston Farm and Performance Ally.
According to Del. Joey Garcia(D-Marion County), this new remote work project is a result of the pandemic as well as of West Virginia’s declining census numbers.
“Out of the pandemic has come a solution or at least a pathway forward to try and help bring people back to West Virginia and to try to recruit new people to come here for the first time to see this as a place they want to do work, to live and to raise a family. So as legislators in our delegation, I believe every member of the House of Delegates helped and voted to pass a bill that will provide for a streamline tax system for somebody who has a job, has a company that is located in another state but if they want to come live in West Virginia they’ll be able to figure out how to pay taxes and not be taxed twice over.”
Del. Joey Garcia
More information on Marion Remote’s new remote work project can be found on their website.
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