Google, Uber, and Ford Delay Office Return Due to Covid Uncertainty

Google anti-trust allegations

Covid’s new Omicron variant has complicated the return to the office for most companies. Google, Uber, and Ford are some companies that have decided to delay office returns as the situation continues to be uncertain. 

Since the pandemic started, companies have had to adapt to the uncertainty of the situation. 2020 was when almost every company closed its doors, and employees worked from home. This year, some companies called their employees back. However, the transition wasn’t as simple. With new variants, and things at stake, returning to the office has become increasingly difficult. 

Omicron Delays Office Return 

Last week, Google and Uber were some of the first employers in the U.S. to announce they would postpone the return date to Jan. 10. And Ford Motor Co. announced this past Monday that it would be pushing the return date from January to March. 

Ford mentioned in an emailed statement:

The state of the COVID-19 virus remains fluid, and despite the success of our ongoing safety protocols and increased vaccination rates, we are shifting the start date of the hybrid work model to March.

General Motors Co said they still don’t have a formal return date for salaried employees. But nonetheless, in the light of the new variant, they are looking at the best solution and return date for everyone. 

Other major companies said they still don’t have any updates on their plans to return. 


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