Eurobank Becomes the First Bank in Greece to Adopt the Hybrid Work Model

Eurobank hybrid work
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Eurobank adopts the new Hybrid Work Model, making it the first bank in Greece to provide its employees a regular combination of working at home and in the office.

The Bank announces its new, creative remote working policy in response to a new, modern social and labour market reality, and building on the successful experience of implementing remote working on a broad scale during the epidemic. The new project seeks to maintain a work-life balance for its workers while lowering the Group’s environmental footprint by restricting staff mobility and energy use.

The new framework, which takes effect on June 24, 2022, includes, among other things, the option of working from home for two (2) or three (3) working days per week on a voluntary basis, as well as coverage by the Bank of costs incurred by employees as a result of teleworking (work@home), while adhering to the current collective agreement of the Greek Federation of Bank Employee Unions (GFBEU).

“Through this new model, we upgrade the quality of working conditions for our employees, aiming at a new balance that will render us all more efficient and effective. At the same time, we contribute to energy saving while reducing our overall environmental footprint, seeking prosperity and sustainable growth for all. Being true to our pioneering nature, we coalesce, the digital and physical worlds, utilizing up-to-date technological tools and innovative solutions we designed and successfully implemented during the pandemic, maintaining full security provisions and the quality of our services, while preserving the human factor firmly at the center of our strategy”

Mr. Fokion Karavias, Eurobank’s Chief Executive Officer

Eurobank’s Remote Working Policy is based on current legislation, including Article 67 of Law 4808/2021, the Personal Data Protection Authority’s Guidelines 01/2021 regarding the application of personal data protection rules within the context of remote working, and the new Collective Labor Agreement of Banks – GFBEU 2022-2024.

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