The 4M City Club Open a New Co-working For Locals And Remote Workers

co-working remote workers

The 4M City Club reopen as a co-working space with a restaurant and activities for remote workers. The facility will open again in 2022 to create a community of locals and remote workers

Preparing for the next opening, locals and remote workers could choose between the public via day pass or by renting a desk or office space. Specific prices are still to be announced. The reopening aims to create a “15-minute” neighborhood for everyone, even for those unable to afford a co-working space, and build a local community. 

New Co-working Space For Local And Remote Workers

The club is located on South Industrial Highway in Ann Arbor, near the co-living and co-working campus across the street. The plan aims to create a connection between the activities in the area, creating social gatherings for locals and remote workers. 



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