SaaS Company Abodoo Will Connect Rural Remote Working Talent Across Europe

Rural remote working talent
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

The European Commission has chosen Abodoo as the first Irish business to work on a project that aims to connect talent in regional locations across Europe.

Abodoo is a remote talent-matching tool for recruiters and job seekers that was founded in 2018. It will collaborate with an initial group of 24 villages on the European Commission’s talent-mapping project, Start-up Villages.

The company will assist the communities in adjusting to the new world of work by demonstrating to enterprises how to attract remote workers while also generating investment and long-term employment.

For each Start-up Village, Abodoo created an interactive talent map with crucial information and insights needed to attract remote employees, create jobs, and assist rural development.

Vanessa Tierney, Abodoo’s CEO and co-founder, expressed her excitement at being picked by the European Commission to participate in the programme. “We cannot wait to get started!” Tierney said, thanking those who assisted and supported the organisation over the lengthy selection process.

The Start-up Villages project was born out of a forum held last year to learn more about the problems that rural start-up groups face. The initiative’s overarching goal is to connect some of the region’s more rural towns and villages with talent and opportunity in order to help them thrive.

“Successful start-up ecosystems are embedded in networks of founders and partners. Partners such as investors, accelerators, universities, companies, and public administrations. Therefore, we need the support of all the stakeholders present here with us…”

Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for innovation, research, culture, education and youth

“The project is a reflection of the importance that the Commission attaches to supporting rural areas, because it is in rural areas that the demographic transition is most visible.”

Dubravka Šuica, VP for demography and democracy

She added that the that the team wanted “the best and brightest of Europe to remain” in these areas and “contribute to building prosperity as they grow their start-up companies to real long term drivers of our economy, all while using the natural potential of Europe’s rural areas.”

To be eligible for Abodoo’s commitment to assist rural remote workers and recruiters across Europe, each village must have a population of at least 15,000 people, as well as a co-working area with internet connectivity and a clear vision for what they intend to accomplish through participation.

Find more details here.

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