Revolut Employees to Work Overseas for Two Months Every Year

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To work overseas is anyone’s dream and for Revolut employees, it has come true! Revolut, one of the most popular startups from Europe has taken an interesting decision that 2000 employees will enjoy. Take “enjoy” literally because Revolut has allowed all of them to work from anywhere in the world for two months every year.

Revolut’s policy says, any of the employees who, 

“wish to work outside their country of employment for personal and non-business related reasons will be able to do so for a period of up to 60 calendar days over a rolling 12 months,”

Overseas work will be made possible for all employees once the Covid travel restrictions are eased. This policy by Revolut is another feather in the cap for promoters of remote work across the globe. 

A Survey Conducted at Revolut for their Employees

  • Over 56% of the workers would prefer to work remotely for at least two to four times a week. 
  • 36% of employees are in favor of a fully remote job. 
  • Only 2% of workers showed interest in coming to the office daily.

Previously also, Revolut has given all employees the opportunity to choose between remote work and work from the office except for some specific roles that demanded the employee’s presence in the office. Revolut staff has the flexibility to choose to attend between one and five times a week.

With so many companies, small and big from all parts of the world making remote work a possibility, one thing is quite evident. Employers have become better listeners and are now taking a lot more care of their employees. We can say they’re now being valued more, at least when it comes to allowing them to work on their own terms.

Add overseas work to the mix and it becomes a workation which is a win-win situation. Which place will Revolut employees choose? Dubai, New Jersey or Bali? This decision will depend on everyone’s personal taste and remote work policies in other countries. For now, they’re happy with their employer for sure.

Welcome to the age of people supporting people, people valuing people, a lot more than ever.

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