Pennsylvania Wilds Community Launches Remote Work Initiative


The Wilds are Working: A Remote Lifestyle Experience was launched in early April by PA Wilds Center for Entrepreneurship. The initiative enables remote workers to live, work, volunteer, and explore all of what the rural area offers.

The increase in remote work due to the pandemic has led to different trends related to a better work-life balance. Cities, states, and countries creating strategies to attract remote workers, and one thing is for sure: Remote work has come to stay. 

Initiative to Attract Remote Workers to Live in Communities

The project addresses outmigration in rural areas issues. It focuses on promoting PA Wilds communities as great areas for remote workers to work and live. 

Abbi Peters, chief operations officer at the PA Wilds Center

“Programs like The Wilds Are Working: A Remote Lifestyle Experience have had remarkable success across Appalachia and in other rural communities across the country. We see this as a great opportunity to connect community-focused individuals with towns in the Pennsylvania Wilds.”

Bellefonte and Kane were selected as the initial communities, but the goal is to expand the program across other communities across the PA Wilds. Bellefonte will host up to 5 remote workers with partners or families. 

Applications will be opened from April 30 to participate in July 2022 Remote Lifestyle Experience program. These can be submitted at


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