Remote Job Postings for New York City Firms Quadruple During the Pandemic

New York city

According to recent data by The Post, New York City firms almost quadrupled the number of remote jobs to new applicants in 2021. The industries with the highest number of remote work offers include administrative, information, and financial services. 

In early 2020 there were approximately 6,700 out of 163,000 postings for city jobs that could be filled by remote workers, which is 4% of the total. Almost two years later, in December 2021, that number increased to 10.6%. This means that currently, 25,800 out of 243,000 job positions can be done by remote workers. 

New York City & Remote Work

According to NYC Partnership CEO Kathyrin Wylde, this is just the beginning. 

“This is a big cultural shift, and I don’t see it reversing. It will require repurposing retail and older office space for housing and other purposes. It also will require rethinking transit and city services since long-standing commuter patterns will change.”

Remote work remains almost impossible in areas like food service, beauty, and wellness. But it has been proven possible in other areas. For example, the increase has been dramatic in therapy, finance, and law. 

According to Indeed, the industries with more remote job postings are IT, software development, arts and entertainment, banking and finance, and education and instruction. 


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