Piloto 151 launches a new co-working space in Miramar (San Juan), responding to the growing demand for flexible workplaces.
It’s not a secret that the co-working space industry is on the rise. Most businesses are opting for flexible solutions to cut on budget and leave more flexibility to their employees. So, Piloto 151 invested $800,000 to launch a new space in the historic house. The Architect Antonin Nechodoma built the facility in 1910. And now, it will be a new home for remote workers and digital nomads.
Piloto 151 invested over $5 million in previous projects to launch flexible spaces, creating over 20 direct jobs. The new co-working space in Miramar will target the business community. And Amazon Web Services will be the main tenant, opening the first office in Puerto Rico.
Thank to this new expansion of 80,000 square feet, Piloto 151 is now part of the League of Extraordinary Co-working Spaces throughout the world (LEC). As co-founder of Piloto 151, Sofía Stolberg, said: “Today is a historic day for us at Piloto 151. We’re extremely proud of this accomplishment and continue to be committed to the Island’s business and technology community. When we started on this path nine years ago, the term co-working was not known on the Island. But Today, thanks to our efforts and the development of our entrepreneurial ecosystem, thousands of Puerto Rican and foreign companies reduce their risk, save time and money, and make way for the new remote and hybrid workforce reality because this offer exists in the market.”
The new co-working space in Miramar is another example of the growing tends toward work-from-home and alternative workspaces.