The Big Four firm announced its new remote work program called “KPMG Roam,” which consists of a remote work and travel program. Employees will now be able to work outside their homes provide for up to 8 weeks. This includes up to four weeks working outside the country.
KPMG, like many companies, finished crafting its new remote work policy. Now, employees and eligible partners can participate in the program regardless of seniority.
KPMG Roam Program
Employees from the firm can work from any Canadian provider as well as The Bahamas, Brazil, Croatia, Mexico, Cayman Islands, Bermuda, and France (if they are EU citizens). Those who are US citizens can also work in Florida.
The program enables employees to work outside the offices (and home province) for up to 8 weeks. However, those who choose to travel outside Canada still need to be available for Canadian home office hours.
The firm continues to evaluate the viability of other locations to be included in the program. The limited duration and locations are a function of the tax implications of cross-border work and employee standards and reporting requirements.
According to Louise Lutgens, managing director of talent innovation and strategic investments:
“In creating this program, we were guided by the knowledge that our people can work effectively in many locations while supporting our clients and that providing opportunities for unique and meaningful experiences helps us all thrive.”