Irish Workers Demand Flexible Work Request Rights For All

Flexible work rights
Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash

According to The Irish Independent, the Irish government has been encouraged to grant all employees a new right to seek flexible work schedules. By the end of this year, a Work Life Balance bill is expected to provide parents and caregivers a new legal right to request flexible work schedules from their employers.

This might result in a situation where parents with small children and caregivers can request remote working before other employees can, according to the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU). The Department of Enterprise under Tánaiste (deputy head of government) Leo Varadkar is still finalizing separate laws on remote work for all employees.

“All workers should have the right to request flexible working, not just the parents of young children and carers.”

Laura Bambrick, ICTU social policy officer

Ireland has taken many steps in promoting remote work.

Earlier this year, The Connected Hubs Voucher Scheme was launched. Over the duration of the Scheme, at least 10,000 hot desk working days will be offered without charge to both current hub users and those who are utilizing hub services for the first time.

The project will be executed in two parts. The first phase will last through August 31. The second phase will begin in September and is anticipated to last until the beginning of 2023.

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