How To Become A Copywriter And Work From Home?

how to become a copywriter

Do You Want to Become a Copywriter Without a College Degree? 

Copywriting has emerged as a highly sought-after career in today’s world, particularly in industries such as advertising and marketing. As a copywriter, you’ll have several advantages, including the freedom to work from home, set your own schedule, and earn a good income with minimal experience.

In order to become a copywriter, you’ll need to develop the proper skills. Having a bachelor’s degree in English, communications, or marketing it’s useful, but if it’s not your case, you still have chances to become a great copywriter. It’s all about gaining experience and developing your writing portfolio.

In this article, we’ll provide you with an A to Z guide on how to become a successful copywriter.

What is Copywriting? 

Copywriting is the art of crafting persuasive and compelling language to sell a product, service or idea.

It’s the ability of turning a mediocre message into a magnetic one, captivating the audience and convincing them to take action. In other words, the purpose of copywriting is turning browsers into buyers and building brands.

Types Of Copywriting Jobs

Writing website content that is optimized for search engines and compelling for visitors to take action.

Writing compelling copy for print, radio, television, and online ads.

Writing copy that is designed to elicit an immediate response from the reader, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service.

Writing website content that is optimized to rank well in search engine results and drive traffic to a website.

Writing technical or scientific documents and instructions for products, services, or processes.

Writing copy for marketing materials such as brochures, flyers, and email campaigns.

Writing for online platforms such as blogs, articles, and social media posts.

Writing email campaigns that are designed to convert readers into customers or clients.

Reviewing, correcting and improving written materials, such as articles, books, documents, and websites.

Developing a unique and consistent voice for a brand that is used across all forms of marketing and communication.

How Can You Get Started as a Copywriter With No Experience?

Here are ten simple ways to start copywriting:

Step 1. Develop Your Writing Skills

Having a beautiful idea is one thing. But putting it on a piece of paper (errrr… computer?) is another thing. Your thoughts must be persuasive and convince your audience to do an action. 

You’ll need some hands-on training or experience in the market. To begin with, you can attend workshops, take writing courses and understand the basics of grammar, punctuation, and audience psychology. 

Soon your writings can rival catchy one-liners like “Just do it,” “Finger lickin good,” and “Diamonds are forever.”

Some courses to consider:

  1. Udemy
  2. Cousera
  3. Skillshare

Step 2. Read And Study Great Copy

Study the works of master copywriters, analyze their structure, language, tone, and persuasive techniques. Learn from their successes and failures. It’s the shortcut to mastering the art of copywriting.

Here are some books that can give some insights:

  1. How to write better copy | Buy now
  2. Write better copy that sells | Buy now
  3. This book will teach you how to write better | Buy now
  4. Build better characters | Buy now
  5. Creating character arcs | Buy now

Step 3. Practice Writing

Practice writing in different styles and formats, from product descriptions to email campaigns, blog posts to social media captions. Flex your copywriting muscles and discover your writing style, the more you write, the more you’ll understand what works and what doesn’t.

Step 4. Get Feedback

Seek feedback from other writers, friends, family, or mentors. It’s the key to improving your skills and understanding your strengths and weaknesses. It’s also an opportunity to learn from others and gain new perspectives on your writing.

Here are some subreddits were you can get feedback:

Step 5. Get A Bachelor’s Degree

This is a long way in. But choosing this path can assure you a position in the marketing arm of top companies. A formal education in English literature or journalism can help you beat the competition and land you a lucrative job in copywriting. 

However, having a bachelor’s degree is optional. You can land a high-paying job with a demonstrable skill set. Most employers recognize the skills that you can bring to the table.

Step 6. Network

Networking is an important aspect of any career and copywriting is no exception. Attend industry events, join online groups and forums, and connect with other copywriters, marketers, and business owners. 

Not only will you learn more about the industry and stay informed about trends and best practices, but you may also find potential work opportunities or clients. Building relationships with industry professionals can also open doors to mentorship and guidance which can be invaluable as you establish yourself in the field.

Step 7. Gain Experience

Of course, your resume may not be attractive when you’re straight out of college. However, you can apply for entry-level copywriting jobs in small firms as a beginner. It won’t be high paying, but it will help you tide past those initial years after graduation. Moreover, you’ll now have something to show in your resume. 

The experience you gain in these entry-level jobs will go a long way in helping you bag a high-paying job. 

Step 8. Create A Portfolio

Many websites and tutorials will ask you to make an expensive website. The truth is that nobody looks at websites! Your recruiter doesn’t have the time to look at individual websites with hundreds of articles when they hire talent. Most recruiters will ask you to send a copy of your best work

So, make sure you have a collection of your articles in the form of a PDF or a google document. However, if you wish to make it more appealing, you can make a free portfolio page on Wix, GoDaddy, or other hosting services. 

How to make a portfolio?

Make sure to have a good portfolio that can demonstrate your talent. 

Step 9. Consider Specializing

In your beginner days, you can choose to write everything. But later on, it is best to choose a niche. You cannot go around saying, “I write everything.”

You may be a generalist, but adding a niche to your portfolio and resume can add some credibility. However, feel free to dabble into multiple interesting genres to explore your niche. 

Here are a few niches in copywriting that you can explore:

Step 10. Stay Up To Date

The field of copywriting is fast changing. The idea is to stay ahead of the rest and be the best in the market. Today’s copywriters are not just competing against fellow humans but also fast-evolving AI technologies like ChatGPT. However, remember that nothing can touch you if you’re good at what you do. 

Here are some blogs that can help you stay updated:

The best way to remain relevant is to keep abreast with the latest developments in the field. 

How To Find Work-From-Home Copywriting Jobs?

1. Job Boards

    Job boards are the best way to start looking for clients or jobs. Most big-name job boards have verified recruiters. Nevertheless, watch out for potential scams.

    Here are a few job boards you can check out:

    2. Social Media

    If you’d like to work for brands online, social platforms like Instagram can be an excellent way to approach them. You can drop a message into their DMs and send a sample of your work. 

    However, this may only work for some brands. 

    Social media sites dedicated to making professional connections, like LinkedIn, can help you land well-paying jobs. LinkedIn also has the option to let people know you’re looking for work. You can harness the networking potential of these sites to make the best use of them. 

    3. Cold Emails

    Cold emails can never get old. If you’d like to land a job at the place of your dreams, you can always email them with your CV and sample works. 

    How to write a good cold email? Here are a few pointers:

    4. Network

    Harness the potential of your friends, family, and colleagues. Make sure to attend networking events at the start of your career to make as many contacts as possible. 

      This way, you can land premium clients and high-paying jobs. 

      How To Work From Home/ Anywhere As A Copywriter

      Copywriting is not a location-specific job. Most offices today are going remote and allowing their employees to work from around the globe. 

      Here’s how you can work from home/ anywhere as a copywriter:

      1. Choose a Place That Stimulates Creativity

      Believe it or not! Your workplace can determine your productivity. Moving into calmer locations or working in coffee shops with pleasant music playing in the background can allow you to work efficiently. 

      If you’re a digital nomad, choose locations that are calm and in-between nature. It could be a beachside shack in an idyllic fishing village in the tropics or an Airbnb on a mountain that overlooks a valley. 

      2. Try Freelancing

      Freelancing in the field of copywriting is done remotely. Land high-paying clients as you sip hot coffee on a mountaintop or while having a smoothie on a beach. 

      By freelancing, you can increase your income every month. It allows you to travel and stay better. Moreover, it gives you much-needed location independence. 

      3. Decorate Your Home Office

      Working from home can be appealing. But, it can also make work-life balance a tricky path to navigate. However, having a good home office can make things better. It can separate work from life and increase productivity while working from home. 

      Here are a few ways you can do it:

      Become A Copywriter

      Copywriting is a lucrative career option. It is for you if you’re good with words and can be creative. For starters, you can reach out to advert agencies and marketing arms of firms with your CV and cover letter. Make sure to stand out and have a verifiable set of skills. 

       All the best! 

      Frequently Asked Questions

      1. How to become a copywriter with no experience?

      To begin with, you can apply for entry-level positions in small businesses or take up small clients. While at this, you can sign up for a few online courses to improve your writing skills. Before you start, it is essential to understand the basics of grammar, punctuation, and audience psychology.

      2. What qualifications do I need to become a copywriter?

      Having a degree and English literature or journalism can help you get a job as a copywriter. However, you can become a copywriter with no academic degree. A demonstrable skill set is the most important thing to land a copywriting job.

      3. Is it hard to get into copywriting?

      Getting into the field of copywriting is not a tough nut to crack. However, if you need to excel in it, you should be goal oriented and need to be a cut above the rest. 

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