New Housing For Remote Communities

housing remote communities

A new partnership between several First Nations in Saskatchewan, the University of Toronto, and Toronto Metropolitan University will provide new housing for remote communities. 

The project will provide new self-efficient housing to First Nations communities in Ontario. As Sarah Haines, from the civil and mineral engineering faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, said: “A key issue in these communities is the availability of building materials, specifically the reliance on outside sources for materials. Transporting materials to these remote communities is a significant challenge and creates a very limited supply to meet demand. Making use of locally available materials could enable the building of more houses, as well as address issues with the current housing stock.”

Connecting different experts and investors, the project will combine new technologies and construction work to address issues related to housing availability. The project is called “From Harvest to House: Developing a Pathway to Housing Self-sufficiency in Remote First Nations Communities.” Established 50 years ago, the Connaught Global Challenge provide for the initiative with diverse grants – for a total of over $178.7 million investment for research. 

Over the next few months, the organization will arrange a series of workshops to enhance the conversation among team members, discussing both challenges and potential of their approach. So they will be able to improve housing for remote communities. 


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