Facebook Workplace Tool Gains 7 Million Subscribers After Growth in Remote Jobs

Facebook workplace tool
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Facebook’s Workplace tool has grown by around 40 percent in just one year. It has reached a whopping seven million paid subscribers. This came as a result of the “remote work” response to the pandemic.

Companies use the Facebook Workplace tool as an internal social network that helps teams communicate with each other. Facebook’s top rival in this case is Teams by Microsoft which now has 145 million daily active users. There is a surge in the growth of online tools that help streamline processes at work and ensure smooth communication between teams. This is important in a remote work scenario because everything is virtual, from meetings to work coordination.

Among many prestigious clients and subscribers, Facebook has revealed that it has some big users like the World Health Organization and Starbucks coffee chain.

“We built Workplace as an internal version of Facebook to run our own company, and it was so useful we started letting other organizations use it too.”

Mark Zuckerberg

The pandemic forced closure of offices due to lockdowns in various countries and companies had no option but to shift to a remote working model or a hybrid model that allows workers to work from home for some days of the week.

The new shift to a hybrid working model has skyrocketed so many businesses like that of videoconferencing apps such as Zoom, gadgets such as laptops, webcams, earphones and more. Remote work is no more a trend but a norm that will continue after the pandemic for most industries and companies.

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