England is all set to lift remote working mandate and other lockdown like restrictions next month. COVID cases are still on the rise but COVID related deaths remain low.
The government will confirm the lifting of these restrictions on 5th July, the expected time of which is two weeks later. This will ensure that adults in the UK will have some more time to get the second jab of the vaccination.
A government official commented stating that the plan is to get “as close to normal as possible” by 19th July. The emphasis will now shift from imposition of restrictions to being more of “personal responsibility.”
Wearing of masks, remote working and other such restrictions that came with the pandemic will no more be mandatory but a choice.
From 15th July, the rule of maintaining a social distance of one meter and the “rule of six” will no more be imposed. There will also be no time limit on outdoor gatherings.
Nightclubs will also reopen and the strong recommendation of remote working will also be dropped.
David Nabarro, a World Health Organisation special envoy, told sky news,
“issue of variants is what we are watching all over the world and they are going to go on coming. We will go from Delta to Lambda and then on to the other Greek letters, that’s inevitable, and some of these variants will be troublesome. They will be able to break through the vaccine-related protection in a few people and that will cause problems.”
David Nabarro, special envoy at WHO
Nabarro suggested that social distancing and mask wearing would still be necessary for high infection regions.
According to David Nabarro, there is need to,
“maintain defences against the virus to stop it welling up more and more, and that’s going to be the life to come, at least until there’s enough vaccine, and enough certainty, to be sure that vaccination will protect us. Right now we can’t say that.”
David Nabarro, special envoy at WHO
Boris Johnson recently said he was “very confident” about being able to lift COVID related restrictions on 19th July.
“I am very confident that we’ll be able to go through with step four of the roadmap on the timetable that I’ve set out with treating July 19, as I’ve said, as a terminus date. “I think that’s certainly what the data continues to indicate.”
Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
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