Brazil Mining Companies Adopt Remote Work Model

remote work model for mining industry
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As the remote work model continues to spread like wildfire across countries and industries, Brazil mining companies give this new way of working a nod.

With the rise in automation, it has become easier for administrative work to go remote.

“We have adopted a temporary measure for our administrative staff to work remotely since the beginning of the pandemic, but now we’re making this model permanent,” José Flavio Alves, Director of Human Resources and Infrastructure at Mineração Taboca, a Brazilian miner controlled by Peru’s Minsur, told BNamericas.

Mineração Taboca, produces tin among many other industrial materials and minerals. Out of approximately 1300 employees, 1,150 employees work at the Pitinga mine in Amazonas state. The other 200 work in São Paulo state.

“Today 70 employees in São Paulo and 40 others in Amazonas, all administrative staff, are already working from home,”José Flavio Alves

Nexa Resources, the mining and metals group has its zinc operations in Brazil and Peru. The group has also announced their shift to a permanent remote work model which will remain an option for the São Paulo, Belo Horizonte and Lima employees even after the pandemic is over.

“To build the mining of the future, it is necessary to have a more human and collaborative management, through a flexible work model, which considers the balance between personal and professional life, to be more productive and more agile in daily life,” Gustavo Cicilini, Nexa’s VP of Human and Organizational Development

Vale, the Brazilian iron ore mining giant had also announced in December 2020 that it plans to adopt the new working model permanently. The plan is to have a flexible office format with on-site, offsite and near-site employees which is indicative of a hybrid working model.

This new remote work model will enable the employees to switch between face-toface- work and remote work. Vale boasts of a whopping 71,000 employees and an additional 78,000 workers that are on outsourcing contracts.

Preventive Measures For Now 

The COVID-19 related deaths in Brazil in recent days and weeks remains a concern for the mining industry.  However, they’re taking all the necessary measures of hygiene maintenance and social distancing to ensure that there are minimum to nil cases arising from their sites.

“We have increased our fleet of buses used for the transport of workers, and we have also adapted our restaurants and locker rooms for our employees to comply with social distancing rules,”José Flavio Alves

Remote Work Model – The Better Future

The mining industry in Brazil and possibly world over will soon adopt the new hybrid remote work model which will allow employees to choose the way they would like to work. With most part being “remote”, it will ensure not only lesser susceptibility t this pandemic or the future pandemics but will also allow for a better work-life balance and a broader spectrum of talent pool.

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