BNP Paribas to Adopt a Flexible Work Model

BNP Paribas bank allows flexible work model

BNP Paribas SA will allow a flexible work model for some employees. Some bankers will be able to work remotely for half the time.

The bank’s units can choose the flexible work style that is suitable their workers. The information came from internal sources who want to stay anonymous as the plans are still not publicly revealed. Some bankers will be able to work remotely twice a week while other employees will be allowed to work from home for three days.

The plan is expected to be signed by unions in a few weeks and will be implemented in September.

“In the framework of our social dialog with trade unions, negotiations are ongoing at the group level in France to broaden remote work, but also to adapt it to the specificities of each profession. Remote work will of course be voluntary-based, and will depend on each employee’s personal environment.”

Paris-based BNP spokesperson

BNP rival, Societe Generale SA had revealed their hybrid work plans in May. While some banks like JPMorgan Chase & Co.and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. are not in favour of a flexible work model and are expecting most of their staff to return to office.

Deutsche Bank AG in Germany has also said it’s working on a flexible model which will allow workers to staff to work remotely for up to three days a week.

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