LinkedIn revealed that most employees want to continue working from home, particularly those of underrepresented groups. An analysis conducted by the platform from January 2019 to October 2022 shows a 20% increase in the share of female applicants applying to fully remote jobs. Additionally, black and Latino applicants also have increased their application rates.
Several studies have found how remote work continues to be considered one of the main priorities for employees. This type of flexibility comes with many benefits that not even a salary increase can make up for in some cases. However, there´s another hidden benefit related to discrimination.
Remote Work Helps Underrepresented Groups Get Jobs Easier
LinkedIn´s analysis found an increased interest in remote jobs among Black and Latino groups. The job platform evaluated over 1 million accounts belonging to men and women, as well as 300,000 accounts belonging to Black and Latino members.
According to the analysis, Black workers were more likely to choose remote work during the pandemic, as it allowed them to space biases they frequently experience at the office. Women were also among the group with increased job applications as they say remote work helped them balance work and life better.
Andrew McCaskill, a LinkedIn career expert, said that currently, the challenge these groups are finding is that companies want employees to work from the office. According to Bloomberg:
“More and more people want remote work, but we have fewer and fewer remote jobs, and more and more companies are asking people to not only not have remote jobs but to come back into the office. That disconnect might become a problem as our companies start to look at, ‘how do we attract that talent?’”