Without Remote Work, Most EPA Employees Would Quit

Man working remotely

The Environmental Protection Agency conducted an internal survey of its staff and found a strong response regarding remote work.

Nearly two-thirds of employees who participated said they would consider leaving EPA if telework were reduced. Plus, four-fifths said they would suffer hardship if the agency cut back on working from home.

97% of staff who participated in the poll said flexibilities, such as telework and remote work, have helped them be more productive.

65.5% said diversity, inclusion, and accessibility, things that the Biden administration has promoted for the federal workforce, will be “negatively impacted” if telework is reduced.

In addition, 83.2% “strongly agreed” that their colleagues, regardless of their work location, met the public’s needs.

According to the survey, if remote work is decreased at EPA, the staff morale would decline.

The news comes amidst President Joe Biden’s push to return more federal employees to the office. 


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