Welsh Government Plans to Set Up Remote Working Hubs

a person working in a remote working hub

The Welsh Government will set up remote working hubs that will allow employees to work more flexibly. They will be able to divide their working time between the office and their home towns.

First Minister Mark Drakeford is targeting for 30% of all work to be done outside the office. This work could be from home or from a hybrid setting. This target was announced in the Welsh Government’s “Programme for Government” and will be implemented over the next 5 years.

“We are going with the grain of what businesses themselves are concluding. The future will be a much more hybrid, mixed model. If we want people to be able to work not in their office, then we’re creating remote working hubs with other players as well, private businesses and other public-sector organisations. You may not may work from home, because home is fine if you’re relatively well resourced – you’ve got a spare bedroom, you’ve got a garden – but not everybody is in that position. “First Minister Mark Drakeford

According to First Minister Mark Drakeford’s suggestions, these remote working hubs will be set up in smaller towns, the ones that have employees commuting to bigger cities for work.

Users will have access to shared equipment and “a degree of socialisation with others” while working at these state-sponsored remote working hubs.

Flexible work models are being adopted by most regions, industries and companies as it takes a lot of factors into consideration; factors like socializing, work-life balance, better opportunities and a lot more. Once remote working hubs are set up and this new working model goes on for some time, it will be fair to discuss the results and keep refining the policies over time.

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