IT firm Mechdyne’s remote desktop software, TGX helps IT managers keeps graphic-intensive data centralized.
As remote work continues to grow in popularity or threatens to resurface in certain firms, IT managers must factor operational efficiencies into remote workforce planning. Numerous firms have resorted to sending costly workstations home with customers in order to maintain the lag-free performance demanded by their demanding data. While easy and rapid access to demanding graphics applications is vital for business continuity and staff productivity, operational efficiencies and data security can suffer when workstations are removed from IT-managed environments.
TGX, Mechdyne’s enormously successful remote desktop software, is optimised for graphics-intensive data and video up to 4K (UHD) resolution with minimal to no latency for distant users. TGX is perfect for working from home (or anywhere else) with fluctuating internet speeds, frequently requiring less than 30% of the network bandwidth required by competitors. Engineers, scientists, product designers, game producers, sports broadcasters, visual effects specialists, and architects, among others, use TGX to access and collaborate on high-resolution visuals and three-dimensional data located around the city and throughout the world.
TGX is compatible with Windows 10 Professional and Windows 10 Server, as well as Red Hat Enterprise Linux V7 and V8, and Ubuntu 18.x and 20.x. Additionally, TGX supports macOS High Sierra 10.13 through Big Sur 11.4 on a Receiver-only basis.
“TGX benefits IT management because sensitive data and expensive workstations stay safely in the office while users are able to enjoy workstation-level performance from anywhere they work. Centralized computers can be easily configured and maintained to support multiple remote users. Version control is greatly improved because users do not have to continuously download and upload files.”
David Gsell, General Manager, Mechdyne Software Services
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