The St. Louis County Board approved remote work, providing a flexible work option for employees.
Approximately 45% of the 1,800 county employees worked from home for most part of the COVID-19 pandemic and realised that the work delivered was better and the workers were more efficient.
“We see it as a new way of managing our workforce. It’s not necessarily a response to the pandemic, but certainly the pandemic proved to us that we could.”
Jim Gottschald, Human Resources Director, St. Louis County
Rising COVID cases caused by the delta variant are concerning and this is the right time to go ahead with the remote work policy.
The County Board has approved the remote work policy. It will be applicable to only those positions that allow remote work.
Employees need to seek approval from their supervisor to be able to work from home. Services like some court appearances and virtual visits can happen online.
According to County Administrator Kevin Gray, the move will help employees enjoy the highest and best work/life balance.
Commissioner Ashley Grimm has asked for guidance from the county’s public health department to be shared on what will help with a more inclusive remote work situation.
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