For its latest releases, Apple bets on remote work. From better quality cameras to the new iPhone 13, the company updated each device to facilitate virtual teams’ workflow. Now, Samsung is following the lead releasing new features for remote workers. The new camera allows better videos and audio to improve remote work’s experience.
First, the new Webcam Monitor S4 is designed for remote workers. The monitor is VESA compatible, enabling users to work with monitor arms or other stands. The Samsung’s 24-inch, 1080p camera will come with incorporated work-from-home accessories:
- 2W stereo speakers for better audio;
- HD webcam for higher definition during video calls;
- Higher quality microphone;
- USB hub to reduce the number of ports (like HDMI 1.4 and DisplayPort 1.2) on laptops or desktops;
- Refresh rate tops at 75Hz;
- Pop-up design to keep an organized desktop even when the call is off.
Second, the new Samsung features for remote workers include better privacy systems. It aims to prevent accidental and malicious appearances on camera. Instead of being automated, the webcam is Windows Hello certified. So, users can scan faces to allow quick logins to apps, websites, and Windows.
The monitor is already available in the U.S. for $319.99. Soon, it will be released in Europe, South Korea, and Southeast Asia. With the spread of hybrid and remote models, Samsung improves its devices’ features for remote workers.