The City of Ruston is offering $10,000 to remotely working graduates who are willing to move back and live in the city.
Ronny Walker, Mayor of Ruston announced the “Welcome to Ruston” program details at a press conference on Tuesday,. He revealed that 25 households will be awarded $10,000 each if they move and live in Ruston or within a 3-mile radius of the city. To be eligible for this award, the applicants need to be remote workers who live outside a 100-mile radius of Ruston.
“The main thing is all of a sudden, we bring some new people into our city, especially people who are working remotely. It’s a great way to bring some new life, if you will. Just like the college kids who come to Tech and Grambling bring energy, same thing happens with this.”
Ronny Walker, Mayor of Ruston
The program application can be found on Alumni from Louisiana Tech and Grambling State will be given preference.
Successful applicants will receive the $10,000 split into instalments of $2,500 over three years. They will also enjoy reduced prices on sports tickets and a lifetime alumni memberships to Louisiana Tech or Grambling. The new residents will also receive a discount from the local real estate lawyer Benjamin Jay “BJay” Durrett.
Funds for the new “Welcome to Ruston” program will come as a result of increased sales tax revenue. Funds are also expected from the American Rescue Funds if Ruston gets an approval.
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