92 million people will be working from anywhere by 2030.
The World Economic Forum and tech company Capgemini predict significant growth in remote digital jobs.
They have released “The Rise of Global Digital Jobs,” which delves into the rapidly evolving landscape of remote work.
The report projects a 25% increase in global digital jobs that can be performed from anywhere.
Technology development will drive growth, creating higher-wage roles such as software developers and financial risk specialists.
Additionally, the report identifies 218 job types out of 5,400 that have the potential to become global digital jobs. They represent 73 million global workers.
40% of these job types are in accounting, legal, and finance roles.
Customer service representatives, IT professionals, and marketing/communication professionals make up roughly 10% each.
The rise of remote digital jobs presents opportunities for workers, employers and countries all over the world.
However, the report also highlights challenges associated with the rise of remote digital jobs.
These include wage undercutting, job losses as roles migrate, and potential obstacles from outdated tax and labor laws.
The Forum emphasized the need for policymakers, employers, and workers to address these challenges proactively.
Employers should modernize their workforce management, expand recruitment pools, and embrace hybrid working.