According to Hiring Lab research, the Indeed U.S. has doubled remote internships for college students during the pandemic. Last March 2021, 20% of job postings were remote positions, compared to the 3% of March 2019. As companies and colleges stabilize remote models, internship positions rose.
The recent report on Indeed’s U.S. website revealed that the unemployment rate among young workers increased to 27.4% in April 2020. After the pandemic, the share of internship positions per million job postings dropped by 39% from 2019. On the flip side, remote internship postings rose 38% from 2020. As soon as companies and colleges settled hybrid and remote models, internship postings started over again.
In February 2021, Indeed U.S. job postings for remote internships were 6.9%, versus 2.9% in January 2020. Even with companies returning to the offices, remote job postings keep increasing. In addition, tech leaders are offering paid remote internships. According to a Glassdoor report, interns can earn over $8,000 per month throughout the summertime.
Top tech companies, such as Facebook ($8,023), LinkedIn ($8,009), Amazon ($7,954), and Google ($7,129), have the highest monthly salary for remote internships. This high offer confirms the trend towards remote work in the internship market. As companies are planning permanent work-from-home options, college students can apply for remote internships across the U.S.