Infosys Could Terminate Employees For Moonlighting

Photo by Gabriel Benois on Unsplash

Employees at Infosys have been cautioned not to moonlight. According to the employees’ code of conduct, moonlighting is not authorized, and any infringement might result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment, the human resource department stated in an email issued to the staff.

According to the news source, the email was sent with the subject line “No two-timing, no moonlighting.” This comes after Wipro Chairman Azim Premji referred to the practise as cheating one month prior.

Moonlighting permits employees to work other occupations outside of their primary job’s regular business hours.

“As clearly stated in your offer letter, you agree not to take employment, whether full-time or part-time as director/partner/member/employee of any other organisation/entity engaged in any form of business activity without the consent of Infosys. The consent may be given subject to any terms and conditions that the company may think fit and may be withdrawn at any time at the discretion of the company.”

The Infosys email, as published by Times of India

When workers were permitted to operate from remote places during the COVID-19 pandemic, concerns about moonlighting surfaced. Many businesses learned that their staff were exploiting the remote working option to simultaneously work on projects for other clients, notably in the information technology sector.

According to the companies, it would reduce productivity, lead to conflicts of interest, and potentially result in data breaches.

Azim Premji, chairman of Wipro, stated last month that having a second job on top of your current work is “plain and simple” cheating. According to Mr. Premji, “There is a lot of chatter about people moonlighting in the Tech industry. This is cheating, plain and simple.”

However, the first business in India to publicly promote moonlighting is food delivery service Swiggy. In August, it even introduced an industry-first “Moonlighting policy” that encourages staff members to take on additional employment under specific conditions in order to maintain their financial stability. Swiggy made it clear that the goal was to enable professionals to focus on side projects and charitable endeavours rather than to interfere with the company’s economic objectives.

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