Hungary: Best Country to Work Remotely

hungary work remotely

According to the Global Remote Work Index, Hungary is one of the best countries to work remotely. 

Even in a post-pandemic scenario, people keep looking for more affordable rent thanks to remote work. According to the last ranking, Europe makes 8 of the top 10 places to work from home.

Despite strong competitors like Japan, Thailand, and Singapore. The last one is the best for digital and physical infrastructure, ranking at the top with South Korea. And Slovakia and Lithuania reach the top ranking for cybersecurity, while Israel is the most affordable country. Finally, among 66 countries, Hungary is the 29th best country to work remotely.

In short, here is the Global Remote Work Index:

The index for the ranking included:

Europe has been one of the most active locations to attract long-stay travelers and digital nomads. As a result of numerous visa schemes, it’s one of the most affordable and dynamic locations to move long term. And Hungary is one of the best countries to work remotely. 

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