Government of Togo Adopts New Draft Bills to Oversee Remote Work

Remote work Togo
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

The Council of Ministers convened last Monday to specify regulations governing remote and temporary employment in Togo, after working for two weeks on the terms under which the right to strike is subjected and the creation of a National Labor Council (CNT).

Two decrees were issued in this context, the first of which dealt with the requirements and methods of remote work.

“Taking into account technological developments, international circumstances of all kinds, and in the application of the new labor code, this decree determines the principles, conditions, and procedures governing telework or remote work.”

The Council’s Statement

The text, adopted by the government, “provides a framework for adjusting ways of working when necessary, and technology allows it,”the document further indicates.

The second draft decree adopted outlines the conditions for temporary work.

“This decree, taken per the provisions of the new labor code, is intended to set the conditions for the implementation of temporary work.” The contract of temporary work binds a worker to a temporary business or work.

According to Lomé, the capital of Togo, the second bill is an update “which takes into account the emergence and development of companies and temporary businesses,” ensuring employees’, especially companies and temporary companies, “adequate legal protection.”

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