Dartmouth College Extends Remote Work

College extends remote work

Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Unsplash

Dartmouth College has extended the remote work period for some employees owing to the increase in COVID cases in the state.

The staff that hasn’t returned to campus yet and those who have work that doesn’t require them to work directly with students can continue working remotely until Oct. 4.

This announcement came from Scot Bemis, the chief HR officer in an email to the community. Employees were previously expected to return at the start of September.

The college extended remote work to keep the campus less crowded as fall classes commence. An update on this decision will be announced next month.

Dartmouth has also made it mandatory for employees working on college properties to be vaccinated against coronavirus and to submit proof by Sept. 1. Employees can request medical and religious exemptions from the policy.

The college also is increasing Covid-19 surveillance testing for vaccinated employees from every 30 days to weekly. The employees who are not vaccinated and are coming to campus are required to take the COVID test twice a week. Remote workers don’t need to be tested.

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