Texas n1 for Scam Job Posting

scam job posting

Texas ranks n1 for the scam job posting.

Houston is one of the most active cities for businesses and startups. However, the area achieved another top position. Social Catfish is a company supporting citizens with strategies to avoid online scams. One of their recent studies is interesting data. For example, Lone Star State is the second high nation for the total number of scam victims in 2021 – 41,148 people lost an average of $14,732. On Average, Texas lost $606,179,646, beating California with $1.2 billion in financial scam losses.  

The study collected data from the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center and the Federal Trade Commission’s resorts. To find out more about the scam job posting, they analyzed:

As a result, it appears that remote work increased exponentially after the rise, from online shopping to social media and dating apps, to digital banking. So, the scam job posting is becoming a growing trend, especially in tech hubs like Texas. 

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