South Jordan Employees Want to Continue Working Remotely

a laptop and phone of a person working remotely
Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

Employees in South Jordan express their liking for telecommuting after working remotely for a year. A new program will allow them to continue with remote work.

South Jordan employees Survey

The city conducted a survey of its employees. 

“The feedback from our workforce about working remotely has been immensely positive. We conducted a survey in June 2020 for all of our remote workers and their supervisors to find out how that experience was going. Of the 134 employees invited to participate in the survey, 129 responded.”

Teresa Cook, Human Resources Director for South Jordan

According to Cook, this was an unusually high response from employees. They displayed a lot of enthusiasm.

“Our employees are happier than ever to work for the City, and not in small part due to the willingness to offer flexibility for our workforce.”

Teresa Cook, Human Resources Director for South Jordan

The Survey results

Supervisors and employees reported that they feel as productive if not more working remotely. 100% of employees say they are able to work more effectively or are at least as effective as they were previously while they were working while physically present in office. 67% of supervisors reported that they’re getting the same amount of work or improved output from their staff. 

“It’s been great to hear how well this program has gone. Our employees are happier, and in some cases more productive than they were before, and our supervisors love that they can give their employees more flexibility in their work environment.”

Gary Whatcott, City Manager

The city previously permitted working remotely back in 2014, but at that time employees rarely ever used the option. In 2019, Whatcott expanded the remote work program. This became a huge plus when the pandemic came into the picture. 

“We were able to pivot to work from home and maintain productivity and service levels for our residents, which is a big win.”

Teresa Cook, Human Resources Director for South Jordan

What Next?

“Employees will get to work anywhere from one to three days remotely with the new program and we’ve given each division the flexibility to determine what works for them.”

Gary Whatcott, City Manager

Providing employees this kind of flexibility positively impacts how they perceive work. It is helpful for them and leads to the same productivity, if not more.

“We believe that by offering our employees flexibility with work and showing that we care about them that made a difference. While the pandemic has been hard for everyone, I am excited that something clearly helpful and welcomed by our employees came out of it.”

Teresa Cook, Human Resources Director for South Jordan

Some jobs in South Jordan could remain full-time remote in the future as well.

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