Remote Job Postings on LinkedIn See a 457% Jump

remote job postings research at linkedin

Photo by inlytics | LinkedIn Analytics Tool on Unsplash

A new LinkedIn research revealed that remote work job postings on LinkedIn have jumped up by 457% from last year.

Findings of the Research on Remote Job Postings

The industries where the remote work trend is more popular:

According to the LinkedIn research, fields such as consumer goods, design, manufacturing, transportation and logistics have only 5% remote job postings. Travel and recreation too show a low remote job listing trend that falls below 2% of the total job postings.

Overall, the remote work trend is on the rapid rise and so are remote job postings because most employees prefer to work from home for a better work-life balance. While not all industries suit a 100% remote working model, some of them have adopted a hybrid working model instead where employees need to report to work only a few times in a week or a month.

According to the research, there has been a big jump in remote job postings from 2020 to 2021. With the way the work world is evolving, the rise is expected to continue into 2022.

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