PwC Taiwan Says Work-From-Home Will Become The Norm

PwC work from home
Photo by Surface on Unsplash

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Taiwan said Tuesday that working from home is expected to become a common practise even if the COVID-19 outbreak is starting to be contained worldwide.

According to PwC Taiwan’s head of human resources Alan Lin, the US division of PwC has implemented a permanent remote working model for its 40,000 workers who must come to the office three days or less each month for important meetings or training sessions.

According to Lin, the accounting company will modify salaries and benefits for workers who relocate to areas with lower living expenses. According to Lin, 70% of Taiwanese workers prefer hybrid arrangements that allow them to work from home occasionally. They also prioritise financial remuneration, the freedom to be themselves at work, and physical and psychological care.

In order to attract and keep talent, businesses should make an effort to match these expectations by offering fair financial remuneration and enjoyable work conditions.

According to a survey cited by PwC Taiwan, 54 percent of workers worldwide and 41 percent of workers in Taiwan believe that their jobs can be performed remotely.

Greater compensation, according to Lin, might benefit in retaining talent, but an excessive dependence on pay increases could cause inflation as businesses would have to pass on higher human expenses to customers.

According to studies from throughout the world, workers are prepared to spend 20 to 25 percent of their salary to improve their work-life balance, therefore businesses should instead pay attention to their demands.

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