Purdue Foundation is Recruiting Remote Workers with Its New Pilot Incentive Program

Purdue University
West Lafayette – Circa August 2020: Purdue University Gateway to the Future Arch, which symbolizes the future for Purdue students and graduates.

The Purdue Research Foundation is launching its pilot incentive program that consists of recruiting 10 remote workers and giving them $5000 each with the commitment of living in West Lafayette for a minimum of three years. These remote workers will also have other benefits such as library access, discounts, coworking spaces, and other services. 

The pandemic and the fact that millions of Americans started relocating made many states take this as an opportunity to lure remote workers. The latest in offering benefits is the Purdue Research Foundation, the nonprofit foundation affiliated with Purdue.

The Purdue’s Foundation New Pilot Incentive Program

The Purdue Foundation is currently recruiting remote workers to move to the Discovery Park District. The foundation is providing the initial seed money. However, in the future, the government entities, or private developers, could likely expand the program. The Discovery Park District is still under development.

When it’s all built out, we’re looking at a community of 15,000 to 20,000 people that will be beside the 50,000 or so people of the university, we’re literally building a connected community, if you will, or an integrated community.

David Broecker, Chief Innovation and Collaboration Officer at the Purdue Research Foundation.

The Purdue Foundation is partnering with MarkeMyMove, an online directory that promotes states and programs looking for remote workers. The founder of MakeMyMove, Evan Hock, said that 8 of the 10 funded spots had already been filled. The first 8 selected remote workers are mostly mid-career professionals working in fields related to technology. 


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