Core Clinic: The First Medical Co-working Space In Singapore

medical co-working space

SGX-listed Singapore Medical Group (SMG) and Aurum Land Pte Ltd announced a new partnership. The joint venture will open Core Clinic, the first medical co-working space targeting specialist healthcare practitioners. 

Singapore construction company Aurum runs Core Collective, a co-working platform for fitness and wellness practitioners. The platform offers treatments, consultation rooms, exercise studios, and gym facilities. In addition, it provides backend support services to accelerate remote entrepreneurial journeys.

Core Clinic: First Medical Co-working Space in Singapore

Located in Anson Road and Dempsey, Core Collective creates a network of over 80 wellness and 70 personal trainers, counting 21,500 members. On the other hand, SMG is a regional multidisciplinary specialist healthcare service provider with an extensive network of over 25 medical specialties and 50 specialists. 

Combining their network, the joint venture will launch Core Clinic, the first medical co-working space in Singapore. Spreading on 7,000 square feet, Core Collective will house the co-working Katong i12 Mall (Singapore’s East Coast Road) from March 2022.

The aim is to provide cost-effective and flexible medical co-working spaces to connect patients and professionals. In addition, Core Clinic’s doctors could access SMG’s 24-hour call center; marketing support; and opportunities for networking with health and fitness professionals. This new space aims to create an active collaboration between health, fitness, and wellness professionals. Further, this ecosystem will improve domestic medical services.

As Michelle Yong, Aurum Land and Core Collective CEO & Founder, said: “We are excited to be partnering with SMG, a forward-looking industry leader in the medical field. And continue the growth of Core Collective to achieve our shared vision. The aim is to create the best value and collaborative opportunities for our members and partners. We look forward to accelerating our growth trajectory with this partnership. And fulfilling our regional aspirations expanding to markets such as Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam.”

The new medical co-working space in Singapore is another example of how sharing spaces are becoming more popular with the rise of remote opportunities.

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