Deloitte Employees Can Take Their Own Remote Work Decisions

deloitte building where employees take remote work decisions
Image by Squirrel_photos from Pixabay

Deloitte’s 20,000 UK employees now have the liberty to take remote work decisions based on their convenience. Deloitte will not decide the number of days employees need to report to the on-site office.

After the success of the remote work model during the pandemic, Deloitte decided to let employees take remote work decisions for themselves.

Deloitte has offered flexible working options to their employees even before the pandemic but now, the company is taking a more employee-focused approach than before.

“We will let our people choose where they need to be to do their best work, in balance with their professional and personal responsibilities. I’m not going to announce any set number of days for people to be in the office or in specific locations. That means that our people can choose how often they come to the office, if they choose to do so at all, while focusing on how we can best serve our clients.”

Richard Houston, Deloitte UK Chief Executive

Deloitte Employee Survey Results

Deloitte had conducted a research on employee preferences. Here’s what the survey revealed.

  • 81% of respondents will prefer working from the Deloitte office twice a week in the future.
  • 96% of Deloitte staff wants freedom to choose their flexible working styles (if and when and how many days to work from office). They will prefer to take their own remote work decisions.
  • According to 86% of respondents collaborating with team colleagues’ and ‘interacting with others’ are among the top 3 ways or reasons to use the office in the future.

Deloitte plans to use the office buildings for collaboration purposes after the government allows companies to work at full capacity.

“This is a fantastic opportunity for us to embrace the benefits from the last 16 months of being able to spend more time at home while our people can be flexible in the way they work and reconnect with their colleagues and the office as needed.”

Richard Houston, Deloitte UK Chief Executive

This is a very happy time for Deloitte UK staff. They can choose where and how they want to work basis convenience and preference. Perhaps, more companies will follow Deloitte’s footsteps and give their staff a chance to choose their own work-life balance.

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