Council on Legal Education Opportunity to Continue Working Remotely

CLEO empty auditorium working remotely
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Founded in 1968, The Council on Legal Education Opportunity Inc., or CLEO, aims to prepare students from underrepresented communities to succeed in law school. CLEO announced that it will continue working remotely owing to the ease of administration of all programs and services since the start of the pandemic.

They had started working remotely because of health considerations and as a preventive measure against the pandemic, the organization realized that remote work is more convenient and streamlined as opposed to traditional ways of working. This is what lead to the decision to continue with remote work.

“Being able to take the ‘arduousness’ of the daily commute out of the equation has not only helped to significantly improve work/life balance for our dedicated team members, but it has also led to increased productivity and output.”

Leigh Allen II, CLEO’s Interim Chief Executive Officer

CLEO will close it’s dedicated office in Largo, Maryland. More than 26,000 people have attended one of CLEO’s programs or have used one of the services.

More and more educational institutions, colleges and universities are taking a decision that is in favor of working remotely. During the pandemic, a lot of organizations realized that even though initially they were forced to take the step of a work from home approach, now this new remote work model has emerged as a beneficial working or learning model in many ways. The main benefits are a better work-life balance and saving time and money because of “no commute”.

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