40% of Americans Would Seek Another Job if They Are Forced to Return to The Office

woman working from home
Woman Working From Home Using Laptop On Dining Table

The Economic World Forum conducted the Survey of Working Arrangements and Attitudes (SWWA), which showed that 4 in 10 American employees would look for another job if their employers ask them to fully return to the office.  The survey also revealed that most employees would take a new job offer with the same pay but with the option to work from home at least two days a week.

As the Covid-19 situation continues to decrease in some states of the U.S., employers are defining their next steps. And while many surveys proved the benefits of working from home, some companies want to return to the pre-pandemic working structures. Such is the case of JPMorgan and other Wall Street giants. Other firms like CitiBank, Amazon, Apple, and Google offer employees the possibility of working from home. 

The Impact of Remote Work in the Workplace

The Survey of Working Arrangements and Attitudes (SWWA) revealed remote work’s impact in the workplace. In June, the organization asked employees who work from home at least one day per week:

How would you respond if your employer announced that all employees must return to the worksite 5+ days a week starting on August 1st 2021?

The answers were: 

  1. I would comply and return to the worksite.
  2. I would start looking for a job that lets me work from home at least one or two days a week but return to the worksite if I don’t find one by August 1st.
  3. I would quit my job on or before August 1st, regardless of whether I got another job.

Shockingly, 40% of the respondents answered that they would start looking for a different job if employers asked them to fully return to the office. 60% said they would comply and return to the worksite, and a minority said they would quit their jobs even if they don’t have any other offers. 

While some companies like Goldman Sachs and even Apple defend that onsite work is healthy to increase collaboration and strengthen the company’s culture, remote work has become the new way of attracting employees. Therefore, employees are willing to quit their jobs and look for other opportunities if they are not offered any type of flexibility. 


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